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Writing simple web tools

Lately I've been working on some coding projects for simple web tools.

It all started with this project right here, ironite, a static blog generator. Now, it's far from complete (at the time of writing this, it doesn't even have date-related functions, but I'll fix that soon). While I was almost done with ironite, I thought "you know what doesn't need date-related functions? a webring generator". So I copied some code from ironite and made fering, a static webring generator. Haven't got the chance to see it working on an actual webring yet, but I am proud with the results so far.

I am currently working on a CLI tool for RSS feeds. It's basically an RSS editor, making it easier to add new entries, edit the contents and such. Once that is done, I'll reuse some of the code from that project to make a tool that grabs entries from a list of RSS feeds and turns it into raw HTML. My website has a "Latest News" section on the left column, which, once this project is done, will be automatically generated from my RSS feed.